Q. Why are online booking requests being saved as quotes with no confirmation email coming through?

Q. Why are online booking requests being saved as quotes with no confirmation email coming through?

When a booking request is made online, the following steps occur:

  • Customer makes request and enters personnel information
  • Saved as a Quote
  • Customer  is referred to the credit card vault to enter a card for the booking
  • If a card is successfully saved, the quote is updated to a booking and the booking confirmation email is sent.
  • If for some reason, a card is not successfully saved into the vault, it stays as a quote and no confirmation email is sent.

You will be able to see any of these quotes that have come through by looking at the New Booking report.

There are a few reasons why the card may not have been saved:

  • The customer decided not to enter one.
  • There was a connectivity issue when the customer tried to access the vault and was unable to connect to the vault.
  • There was an error with the credit card vault when saving the card.

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