Q: When I change a booking to another vehicle half way through a hire, the Reservation Sheet shows the whole booking against the new vehicle?

Q: When I change a booking to another vehicle half way through a hire, the Reservation Sheet shows the whole booking against the new vehicle?

A: The Reservation sheet always shows the current vehicle assigned to a particular reservation. It will not display details relating to past changes of vehicles. However the system does hold the information relating to which vehicle was assigned to a booking at any given date and time. This forms a comprehensive history log ensuring that any infringement notices received for a vehicle can be assigned to the correct driver.

There are a number of quick and easy ways to view this information. From the Reservation Sheet you can click on the information 'i' as shown in the screen shot below.

This will then display the Booking Details screen. From here, click on "View Log" in red text as highlighted. 

The Reservation Log, gives you a rundown on all the activity to do with that particular reservation. This includes records of any vehicle changes.


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