A: If you have already created a reservation and you want to assign a company to the booking, you will first need to assign the driver (hirer) to the company, and then assign it to the booking. This can be useful if you want to be able to invoice an insurance company for a reservation, while still retaining the details of the driver.
Step 1: Assign the driver to the company.
Go to: Reservations > Customer Maintenance.
Use the Customer Search to find the name of the customer (hirer) for the booking. Enter the last name of the hirer and click select.
Find the name of the hirer and click the on last name in red text.
From the “Company” drop down list, select the company that you want to assign the driver to, and click “Submit” to save the changes.
Step 2: Update the reservation and select the company and driver.
Go to: Reservations > Reservation Enquiry and Update and find the reservation that you want to update. Click on the "Update" button to update the reservation.
On the "Driver Details" tab, click on the search icon next to the the Company as highlighted. This will then present a field where you can enter the name of any existing company and or company + driver. Once selected, click the "Submit" button at the top right of the booking module and work your way through the entire update process to save changes.