Q: How can I create a vehicle inspection for a booking and email it to my customer?
When you perform an Inspection against a vehicle, this Inspection is saved against the vehicle itself, not any particular bookings. This means that it will apply to the next booking due against the vehicle after the inspection is performed. For example, if you perform an Inspection at 9:00am on the 7th and have a booking due to be picked up at 1:00pm on the 8th, the inspection will apply to this booking. However, if a new one-day booking is made from 10:00am to 3:00pm on the 7th, this will now be the next booking. So, the inspection will be removed from the booking on the 8th and will now apply to this one-day booking.
Additionally, if you are using RCM Lite, the vehicle inspection can be emailed to your customer when the vehicle is hired out as part of the Hiring workflow. This email can contain the Vehicle Inspection, Rental Agreement, Invoice and Pickup Details. For more information, please see the
RCM Lite Hiring Out Bookings article.
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