Q: How are vehicles ordered on the Reservation Sheet?

Q: How are vehicles ordered on the Reservation Sheet?

The following system parameter controls how the order in which vehicles are displayed on the Reservation Sheet. It can be found by going to System Setup >> System Parameters >> Reservation Sheet Defaults.

When it is set to Reg #, the vehicles will be ordered based on
  1. Vehicle Category
  2. Virtual Car Status - Any vehicle that is a virtual car will appear below non-virtual cars. Virtual vehicles will be yellow on the reservation sheet. 
  3. Owning Location
  4. Model
  5. Transmission
  6. Grade
  7. Registration Number
When it is set to Fleet #, the vehicles will be ordered based on their:
  1. Vehicle Category
  2. Virtual Car - Any vehicle that is a virtual car will appear below non-virtual cars. Virtual vehicles will be yellow on the reservation sheet. 
  3. Fleet Number
  4. Registration Number

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