Payment Link Function

Payment Link Function


RCM has an Email Payment Link function. Using this function, you can email a link to your customers through which they can see and pay the balance owing against their booking using a Payment Gateway.

This feature is available if you have the Stripe or VostroPay Payment Gateways set up in your RCM System.

If you would like to set this feature up, please contact to configure this for you.  There is no additional cost for this service.

Once you have contacted to configure the Payment Link feature, you will be asked to set up the Email Template that will define the email send to your customer.  You can access the Payment Link email template by going to System Setup >> Manage System Emails >> Bookings - All Other Emails and finding the "Email Payment Link" option. 

When you open this email template, you can enter and update the following information:
  1. Select whether you want the template to be active or not. This template will not be active when it is first set up, and you will need to set it to be active for the email to be available to be sent from bookings. 
  2. Enter the Email Subject.  NOTE: The default subject for this email type is "Payment Required - Vehicle Rental Agreement #123456 (LocA)".  Only change the Subject here if you'd like another subject line.
  3. Enter or update the Email contents.  This text will go in between a greeting, and the payment link itself.
Make sure you click the Save button to update changes.

Once the template has been set up and marked as active, it can appear on bookings. For this email option to appear on a booking, the booking must be a Revenue booking with a balance owing against it. 
On the Booking Details page and the Booking Documents tab of the Booking Form, the below option will appear.

Clicking this button will open the following Payment Link pop-up screen where you can: 
  1. Enter the Sender & Recipients 
  2. Change the Email Subject
  3. Include a message
  4. Add any further attachments
  5. Preview and then Send the email
When you customer clicks on the link, it will open the Payment Link page (see further below). 

As well as being sent in its own email, the Payment Link can be sent as part of the invoice email. After you have contacted, you can find the following system parameter under System Setup >> System Parameters >> Document and Email Parameters. If you wish for the Payment Link to appear on customer invoices, set this to Yes.

On revenue bookings with a balance owing, when you email the PDF copy of the invoice to your customers, the below section will appear on the invoice. Clicking on this text or scanning the QR code will open the Payment Link page. 

When they click on the Payment Link, your customer will see the following page. This displays:
  1. Basic booking information
  2. The Booking Total
  3. The total of any payments that have already be made against this booking
  4. The Balance Due, including any merchant fee that might apply. Please see the Tender Type
     article for how to set this merchant fee. 
When your customer clicks the "Continue to Payment" button, they will be prompted to enter their credit card details into VostroPay or Stripe, depending on your Payment Gateway. Once they have done so, a payment for the entire balance owing will be processed against this card and recorded in RCM against their booking.
This card will also be saved as a token against the booking for you to use when charging any additional fees that may occur. 

The image below shows how this online payment will be shown on the Booking Details page.

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