.1 Method Name | Description of V2 Method | Matching V3.2 Method |
Step1 | Returns the available pickup and drop off locations and their office hours. Also the category types of vehicles available and the driver age information. | Step1 |
Step2 | Returns a listing of the vehicle categories and their availability status. The rental rates and any mandatory fee information is also returned. | Step2 |
Step3 | For the selected vehicle category, pickup and drop off locations and dates returns the rental rates and any mandatory fee information along with any optional extra fees, insurance options, and any Kms options. | Step3 |
Booking | The booking method is called to save the customer’s booking request as either an unallocated booking or a quote within Rental Car Manager. | savebooking |
confirmPayment | If you are processing a payment at the time of booking, then you can save the payment information against the booking using this method. | savepayment |
bookinginfo | Once a booking has been made, you can use thebookinginfo method to get all of the finalised information about the booking in one call. | Bookinginfo |
editbooking | Once the booking has been made call this method to update details such as optional extras, insurance and user information. | Editbooking |
Extradriver | This method can be called alongside “editbooking” in order to add, update or delete Additional Drivers. | extradriver |
Cancelreasons | Returns a list of the possible reasons to cancel a booking. | Cancelreasons |
Cancelbooking | Calling this method allows you to cancel a booking. | cancelbooking |
Agentbookings | Agents can get a list of bookings that have been made for their agent code by calling the agentbookings method. | agentbookings |
locationdetails | The locationdetails method can be used to get information about a particular location. | locationdetails |
geturl | Method to get url (in base64 string encoding) used to access the vault to allow user to submit their credit card details, using 3rd party vault supplier. | getvaulturl |
Payment | Method to save data returned from Auric Vault. | Vaultentry |
Sendemail | Method to send an email based on a fixed layout defined within the RCM system | sendemail |
New Methods for V3.2
The following methods have been added as part of V3.2. More information about these can be found in both the Sandbox area and the Developer’s Guide for V3.2.
Method Name | Description |
Calctotal | Method to calculate total values + taxes based on selections made within step3 |
Locations | method to list all locations their IDs, location relavant booking details like office hours, after hours drop off etc... and indication if it is the default location. |
Countries | Method to List all countries, the ids used by the system for those countries and if it is the default country. |
categorytypes | Method to list all category types and their IDs + rate type info. |
driverages | Method to list all valid driver ages within in system and their IDs + indication for default age. |