Copy Booking/Quote Function

Copy Booking/Quote Function


Within Rental Car Manager (RCM) it is possible to copy an existing booking or quote to create a new booking or quote.
There are two different ways that this function can be used:
  1. You will be able to easily create multiple bookings/quotes where there is a group of people all renting for the same period.
  2. For any allocated bookings, you will be able to copy the existing booking and create the new booking with different dates. This will allow you to easily create new bookings needed for long-term bookings where you require a new booking for each reporting period. Copying the booking and assigning new dates will only be available to allocated bookings.
The Copy Booking/Quote function allows you to perform the following actions:
  1. Copy a quote to a new quote
  2. Copy an unallocated booking to a new unallocated booking.
  3. Copy an allocated to a new allocated booking.
When copying the booking/quote you can choose one of the following three options in regard to the customer assigned to the new booking/quote:
  1. Same Customer
  2. Existing Customer
  3. New Customer
The booking/quote you are copying from can have any status (i.e., reservation, hired, cancelled), but the new booking/quote created will have the status of Reservation. There is also no limitations put on the booking dates when copying. For example you are able to copy a booking with a pickup date in the past.

It is important to note that no payment information will be copied to the new booking/quote as part of this function. If it is an agent booking/quote being copied, then no Agent Collected information will be copied across either.

Copying a Quote

You are able to access the Copy Quote function from the Booking Details screen, see below. Simply click on the Copy button at the top of the screen.

Copying a quote is simple. Just follow the steps below:
  1. If there is a  Reference # entered against the quote,  the Reference # field will contain the Reference # value from the quote being copied. You can choose to leave this information or update it.
  2. You can add a note to the new quote from this screen.
  3. Select the option you want for the Customer against the new quote. If it is a new or existing customer, enter the details into the screen.

If you choose "New or Existing Customer" you will be shown all of customer details fields. To find an existing customer, simply start typing in their last name and choose them from the drop-down. If it is a new customer, enter all of their details.

After you have clicked on the "Copy Bookings" button you will be shown a confirmation screen with the booking number of the new quote. You are able to edit this new quote by clicking on the red quote number.

Copying an Unallocated Booking

You are able to access the Copy Booking function from the Booking Details screen, see below. Simply click on the Copy button at the top of the screen.

Copying an unallocated booking is simple. Just follow the steps below:
  1. If there is a Reference # against the unallocated booking, the Reference # field will contain the Reference # value from the unallocated booking being copied. You can choose to leave this information or update it.
  2. You can add a note to the new unallocated booking from this screen.
  3. Select the option you want for the Customer against the new unallocated booking. If it is a new or existing customer, enter the details into the screen.
After you have clicked on the "Copy Bookings" button you will be shown a confirmation screen with the booking number of the new unallocated booking. You are able to edit this new quote by clicking on the red unallocated booking number.

Copying an Allocated Booking

You are able to access the Copy Booking function from the Booking Details screen, see below. Simply click on the Copy button at the top of the screen.

Copying a booking with the Same Dates

Copying an allocated booking to have the same dates is simple. Just follow the steps below:
  1. Choose the vehicle you would like allocated to this new booking from the Vehicle drop-down and click on the Copy Bookings button. 
  2. The Reference # field will contain the Reference # value from the allocated booking being copied. You can choose to leave this information or update it.
  3. You can add a note to the new allocated booking from this screen.
  4. Select the option you want for the Customer against the new allocated booking. If it is a new or existing customer, enter the details into the screen.

After you have clicked on the "Copy Bookings" button you will be shown a confirmation screen with the booking number of the new allocated booking. You are able to edit this new quote by clicking on the red allocated booking number.

Copying a Booking with Different Dates

Copying an allocated booking to have different dates is simple. Just follow the steps below:
  1. Click on the New Dates checkbox.
  2. Enter the dates for the new booking.

  1. Check the daily rate that will be applied to the new booking. you can update this if it is not the rate you wish to use. If you are copying a booking that has either Weekly or Monthly rates, you will be unable to change the rate.
  2. Choose the vehicle you would like allocated to this new booking from the Vehicle drop-down and click on the Copy Bookings button. If the vehicle from the existing booking is available for the new booking period, it will be the first one displayed in the list and selected by default.
  3. The Reference # field will contain the Reference # value from the allocated booking being copied. You can choose to leave this information or update it.
  4. You can add a note to the new allocated booking from this screen.
  5. Select the option you want for the Customer against the new allocated booking. If it is a new or existing customer, enter the details into the screen.
      Copy Images 
  1. If you have selected the Same Customer, and the Same Vehicle the 'Copy Images' checkbox will be available for selection as above
Once you have made your selections, click on the Copy Booking button.

The following will display withe the new allocated booking number. 

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