Can I pass Vehicle, location and dates into step 2?
The new responsive web booking module allows you to pass location, category type, age and dates on the Query String to Step2.
Below are the options we check for on the query string and the format for the date and time options.
- PID=PickupLocationID - this is the ID within RCM for the pickup location
- DID=DropoffLocationID - this is the ID within RCM for the drop off location
- CTypeID=CategoryTypeID – this is the ID within RCM for the Category Type
- AgeID=AgeID – this is the ID within RCM for the age.
- PDate=PickupDate - format dd/mm/yyyy
- DDate=DropoffDate - format dd/mm/yyyy
- PTime=PickupTime – format hh:mm
- DTime=DropoffTime – format hh:mm
I.e., Step2.aspx?PID=4&DID=4&CTypeID=1&AgeID=9&PDate=11/11/2016&DDate=16/11/2016&PTime=14:30&DTime=12:30
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