Availability Check (AE) Report

Availability Check (AE) Report


This report will display whether there are vehicles available for a booking, or for an On Request booking, according to the Availability Engine (AE). It will display the same information that your system and APIs use when integrated with the AE, that determines availability. First is finds if there are any vehicles physically available at the selected location during the booking period, then it applies the Availability engine rules to determine other availability and On Request statuses. These include the: 
  1. Turnaround Gaps
  2. Vehicle Sharing and Vehicle Movement Rules
  3. Availability Utilisation Rules
  4. Contingency or Overbooking
  5. On Request for Long Bookings
  6. Max Days in Advance
Please note: This report does not consider any of the minimum age, relocation, after hour or Web/Agent Category Availability rules. To check these you will still need to use the Category Availability Check and Agent Category Availability Check


System Setup >> Availability Engine Settings >> Availability Check (AE)


The pickup location of the booking request. 
The report will show if there are any vehicles available for a pickup in this location.
The drop-off location of the booking request. 
The report will show if there are any vehicles that can be dropped off in this location.
Category Type
The category type of the booking request.
The report will return every Vehicle Category within this Category Type.
The pickup date and time of the booking request.
The drop-off date and time of the booking request
The source through which the booking request is coming. This can be RCM, Web API or any of your agents.
The report may give different result for different sources depending on the AE Client Types set up against you Availability Utilisation rules.


Category ID
The ID number of the category
The name of the category
Is Available
Whether or not a vehicle of this category is available for booking at these locations, during this period. 
Is On Request
If the category is not available, whether or not an On Request booking can be made at these locations, during this period. 
Messages that are returned by the AE when a rule is applied. These include:
  1. Failed on Max Days in Advance
  2. Utilisation Rule ##
  3. Fails on Minimum days
  4. On Request due to utilisation rule
  5. On Request due to Long Booking rule
  6. # Alerts

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