RCM now allows for the automatic emailing of a booking's Rental Agreement to the customer, upon completion of the Online Check-In.
You are able to configure this email to fit your specific needs. To access it's setup go to System Setup >> Manage System Emails >> Bookings - Email Agreement, then click on Email Agreement Online Check In.
This will open the page shown below. If you wish to use this email template, you will need to set Currently Active to Yes.
If the Subject field is left empty, the email will be sent with the default subject of "Vehicle Rental Agreement ### (Pickup Location)". If you want a different Email Subject, simply enter this to override the default.
Similarly, the From and CC fields should be left empty unless you want to override the default addresses that are setup, as per your other system settings.
You will then need to enter the message that will be sent in the email and click "Save".
Depending on your system settings, you can create different templates for each individual Location or each Brand (if Branding is enabled in your system)
Then, each time a customer completes their online checking and click "Save & Email", this email will be automatically sent to their address with a PDF copy of their Rental Agreement, as shown below.