Oct 2023: Additional Feature - Bond Payments

Oct 2023: Additional Feature - Bond Payments

If you have either the Windcave or Stipe Payment Gateway setup in your system, you are now able to take Bond Payments. RCM does not treat bond payments any differently from other payments, making a Bond payment means that if you have a bond against a booking, you can now easily charge the customer the cost of the bond separately from the rest of the booking, allowing for an easier refund of this payment at a later date.
Also, you are able to set up Automations to charge this bond amount from customers, please contact support@rentalcarmanager.com for information on how to do this.

There has also been an improvement of the display of the Payment Page itself, the image of this is at the bottom of the article. For both Windcave and Stripe, when you make a payment or authorization, the page will be broken into the following sections. 

Account and Payment Location

You are able to select the following information:
  1. Stripe/Windcave account: You can manually select which payment gateway account you want to use. Note: only Head Office Users can see this
  2. Payment Location: You can select which location the payment is made from. Depending on your payment gateway setting, this can change the Account that is payment is taken through.


You can select whether you want to charge the customer a:
  1. Bond: For Payments, this will only appear if there is a bond extra fee against the booking and if you select this, then it will charge the customer the bond amount. For Authorisations, this will appear even if there is no bond against the booking and you are able to set it to any amount you choose.
  2. Balance Owing: This will be selected by default. If you chose this, then you will charge the customer the total amount owing against the booking. 
  3. Other: If you select this option then you can enter any payment amount you choose.
  4. Amount: This displays the amount that the customer will be charged. If you select Bonds for payments or Balance Owing then you will be unable to change this value. But if you select Bond for authorisations for Other, then you can set this to any value you choose

Tender Type/Merchant fee

This is where you can set the Tender Type that the payment will be taken through. If there is a merchant fee against this Tender Type, you can also dictate whether this merchant fee will be charged.
This section will display the cost of the Merchant fee, any taxes that apply, and the total transaction amount

Stripe Terminal and Email Receipt

These sections are only available for Stripe, not Windcave.
You can select whether the payment is being taken through a terminal and whether the customer will be sent a receipt.

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