Sept 2023: Additional Feature - Apply Cutoff Time to After Hours Bookings Only

Sept 2023: Additional Feature - Apply Cutoff Time to After Hours Bookings Only

RCM has a feature called Notice Required which allows you to set up the minimum time period required after receiving an online booking before the vehicle can be picked up. This Notice Required period can be hours or days in length and set for specific Vehicle Categories, Category Types and Locations depending on the time you need to prepare the vehicle. 

Part of this Notice Required feature is the Same Day Booking Cut-Off Time. This is the length of time in minutes before the end of office hours, in which you will not accept a same day booking for that location. 
For example, if your location closes at 6:00pm, and your Same Day Cut-off is set to 60min, your website will not accept a same day booking made after 5:00pm (e.g. 5:15).

An update has been made to allow you to only apply these Same Day Cut-Off times to bookings with an afterhours pickup. You can choose to use this if it takes longer to prepare after hour pickups then it does those inside office hours. In the same situation explained above, if you set "Apply Cutoff to After Hours Only" to Yes, then:
  1. A booking made at 5:15pm for a 5:45pm pickup will be accepted.
  2. A booking made at 5:15pm for a 6:45pm pickup will NOT be accepted.

This new feature can be controlled using the flag indicated below, when creating or updating a Notice Required record.

For more information of how to setup and use this, please see the Notice Required article.

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